About Me

About Who Buys Your Stuff

Are you ready to sell your stuff?

…are you trying to get the most mnoney from it and as fast as possible?

You’ve come to the right place.

Here’s the deal:

If you know absolutely nothing about selling, marketing, negotiating, etc…

If you’re trying to find locations locally or on the fringe of your town or county…

If you are looking for tips and tricks to get the most cash from a buyer…

If you are looking to sell any of your stuff and avoid all of the scams…

Then we’ll help you get where you want to be.

Basically, if you are ready to sell stuff– and looking to get an edge on everyone else selling their stuff– then I have you covered.

How “Who Buys Your Stuff” Can Help You

Who Buys Your Stuff, was born out of the need to help people sell their items and get the most return for it. We are a seller centric website, trying to tip the scales in your favor to get the most from your sale. Our goal is simple: Help you find the right buyer and help you get the most profit.

We are the best, and possibly the only place online to find out who are all the options for buyers of any particular stuff you need to sell. Our advanced search powered by Google Maps helps you locate buyers such as pawn shops, auctions, and related businesses within your local area. These locations will buy your stuff, if you are understand who is the right buyer based on your situation. We also cover how to get the most money from your sale.

Do you want a site put together by a marketer or a real life stuff seller?. We are selling experts with experience and over 10,000 hours running yard sales, ebay auctions, and buying and flipping items from Goodwill. Which is why Who Buys Your Stuff  has become a well-respected “Flipping” blog for one simple reason:

Every article we post is about actionable tasks designed to help you get the most money out of your items.  You will learn to turn the price negotiations in your favor no mater if you are buying or selling.

So if you are ready, let’s go sell your stuff!